Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover
inside this e-book:
Basic Taxation 101
Personal Tax
Corporation Tax
Tax Integration
Income versus Capital
Ownership structure
Personal ownership/Sole proprietorship
Joint venture
Real Estate Investment Deductions
Top ten deductions for real estate investors
Home office expense
Meals & entertainment
Automobile expense
Keeping an Autolog
Deductible automobile expense
Should I lease or buy?
What if I use my vehicle for both my self-employed business and my rental properties?
Purchasing a vehicle with your real estate corporation
Startup costs
- Capital cost allowance
- Repairs & maintenance
- Gift cards
Principal residence
Recent CRA Audit Initiatives on a principal residence
Renting out a basement or using a portion of your home as a business
Little known 4-year extension on a principal residence
Preserving interest deductibility when converting Principal Residence to a rental property
Special Cases
Rent to own taxation
Buying and selling new built
HST on new builds
Right or Wrong Things to Do Paying Your Contractors Cash
Guide to Airbnb taxation
Joint Venture Accounting